Welcome to the wonderful world of 3P. On this blog we will share our learning with you. Please delve in and unlock the magic hidden within the pages.

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We hope you enjoy looking around and we look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, 3 July 2015

The Final Post of 3P

Friday 4th July 2015

What a year! It is hard to believe that year 3 is already over. September seems such a long time ago but at the same time this year has gone very quickly. We have learnt so much, grown so much and we are now ready to face the challenges of year 4. 

We would like to say a big thank you to all our teachers as without them we wouldn't have the learnt the things we have learnt and had the fun we have had. 

It has been an AMAZING year in 3P. Thank you Miss Gorst and Ms Tateno! 

We would also like to say a HUGE GOOD LUCK to three of our classmates who are leaving BST to start new adventures around the world. You will be sorely missed by everyone and we hope you keep in touch!

We would like to wish everyone a fantastic summer holiday and remember to READ and RELAX.

The final party of the year: 

Saying Thank You to Miss Gorst and Ms Tateno:

See you all in September!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Our Final Track Session

Tuesday 30th June 2015 

We have had a fabulous time at track this year and it was sad to say goodbye today! However, our final session was GREAT fun. We created our own games and played them with each other. Some of us even made sure our teacher had a work out! Well done Miss Gorst! 

 We owe Ms Purewal a HUGE THANK YOU! Our fitness has improved greatly over the year and we will miss track next year! 

Skipping for 3 minutes! 

Well done to everyone who ran 3.3km with Miss Gorst 

We did not give up! We are resilient!

The running definitely took its toll! 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Tuesday 23rd June 2015 

Busy, busy, busy. The end of the year is in sight and we have been working hard to finish all of our work in 3P. We have received our reports (phew!) and just been told our new classes (YAY!). We are very excited for next year but we are also sad to be leaving Year 3. 

Do not panic though as there are still two more weeks to go in 3P and we plan to enjoy every second of them. 

This morning we finally went back to track. The sun was shining and it was HOT HOT HOT! We drank lots of water and enjoyed all the different games. Miss Gorst even joined in! 

Yesterday morning we visited Showa. We went to take part in the Year 5 Business Enterprise morning and we had a great time. There were lots of exciting stalls and games!

 We want to say a big thank you to Year 5 for inviting us. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Roman Day 2015

Thursday 11th June 2015 

Gladiators, Emperors, Celtic slaves and many more unusual people could be seen wondering around the corridors in BST Shibuya today. 

Do not worry! We have not gone back it time (or have we?).

Today was Roman Day in Year 3 and what a great day it was. We learnt some Roman numerals, created our own chariot racing game and even watched a LIVE gladiator fight! 

Here are just a few pictures of the day.

Head over to our pages to see some more and stay tuned for a slideshow presentation.