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Friday 12th June 2015
LO: To create a Henry Moore style sculpture using clay. Final creation. 

Thursday 11th June 2015

Friday  5th June 2015
LO: To create a Henry Moore style sculpture using clay. Attempt number 1. 

Thursday 21st May 2015
LO: To plan and carry out a fair test.

Monday 18th May 2015
LO: To identify modern countries that would have been a part of the Roman Empire. 

Friday 15th May 2015
French: Learning about fruits and vegetables 

Friday 15th May 2015 
LO: To sketch ideas for our living sculpture 

Thursday 14th May 2015 
LO: To develop our code to extend our games. 

Monday 27th April 2015
Learning how to use an abacus

Thursday 23rd April 2015
LO: ICT - To learn how to code

Friday 27th March 2015 
LO: To create an information poster about teeth. 

Tuesday 11th March 2015
LO: To sort data using given criteria. 

Wednesday 5th March 2015
LO: To be able to measure different volumes. 

Friday 27th February 2015
LO: To use tints and shades of colours to create a silhouette painting.


  1. I love your dragon!!
    Keep it up Yuna!!

  2. Your dragon looks fabulous!!!
    I like your purple back round what you have chosen!

  3. WOW! Yuna your dragon looks FABULOUS!!!!!!

  4. Wow Yuna! Great start at school! I love your dragon! It looks real.

  5. Super Yuna!!
    I like your dragon, it looks amazing on the classroom wall!
    Keep up the good work!

  6. Yuna, your dragon is coming to life! Your silhouette painting looks amazing. Well done!

  7. WOW Yuna your dragon looks so good

  8. AAHHH!!!!!!!! A DRAGON.Oh its a silhouette

  9. I like your science poster Yuna!

  10. Yuna, your teeth poster looks great!
    Keep it up!!!

  11. I like your props for the French video!!!
