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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Creative minds!

Wednesday 28th January 2015

What is a myth? 

This week in Literacy we have started to look at myths. Myths are stories from a long time ago. They are not true! Phew!! Some of the stories we had read have had some pretty scary creatures in them.  

We are now focusing on quest myths. A famous quest myth is The Lord of the Rings, a quest to find and destroy a very powerful ring. 

After reading a range of myths we identified the main features of a quest myth. We then used these key ingredients to start planning our own quest myths. 

We are now refining our ideas and planning our story lines. 

In Art this week we have been using black and white to create tints, tones and shades.

 It was a little tricky at first as we needed to make sure we were using the right amount of paint while we were mixing. 

We had great fun experimenting and we definitely improved throughout the lesson. 

We cannot wait to put our new skills to the test with our first design. Stay tuned to see our masterpieces! 

Friday, 23 January 2015

Ian Ventor!

Friday 23rd January 2015 

Have you ever wanted to be an inventor? 

In 3P this week we became crazy inventors! We learnt all about Ian Ventor, an inventor who often uses materials that are not suitable for the product he has created. 

For example, he created a chocolate tea pot! A great idea if you are hungry while making a cup of tea but not such a good idea if you like your tea to be warm. A melted tea pot just won't work! 

After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Ian Ventor's creations, we begin to design our own crazy products. 

Here are our advertisements. Which one would you buy? 

The M.Pillow - A pillow that can also be used as a table! 

Lick a bottle! The bottle that tastes like the drink inside! Only 500 Yen! 

A machine that gives your boogies a pizza flavour? 

A parachute that has a house attached! Also includes free wifi.

An Eco friendly trolley that doubles as a house!

We had GREAT FUN! discussing our ideas and thinking about how we could make them appealing to customers. We hope you like them.


Mrs Tateno is on the look out for the trolley. She told us it would make her holidays a lot cheaper! 

Miss Gorst rated the lick-a-bottle 10/10, saying it was the best drink ever! 

Monday, 19 January 2015

Can you catch?

Tuesday 20th January 2015

What a beautiful day for track!

 We had a great time this morning practising our throwing, catching and running skills. 

Thank you to Ms Purewal for teaching us all the techniques we need for a perfect throw and a perfect catch!

Friday, 16 January 2015


Friday 16th January 2015

We have had another FANTASTIC week in 3P! 

We have been learning how to use speech punctuation correctly and we have created great dialogues.

Here are a couple of examples: 


 We have also been using our MAD MATHS SKILLS to solve a range of investigations. 

This one has been a particularly tricky one. Can you find an answer? 

Plus today we got to visit Tokyo Jogakkan School, a Japanese primary school. We had great fun exploring the school with our partners and we really enjoyed all the activities we took part in. 

Here are a few photos from our morning at Jogakkan: 

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Happy New Year

Thursday 8th January 2015

Happy New Year Everyone.

It has been a busy start to the new year in 3P. 

We have started looking at speech punctuation in Literacy and we are learning about fractions in Numeracy. FRACTIONS! It sounds scary doesn't it? Well it isn't!

We have come across vocabulary like numerator and denominator. If you would like to know what these words mean then please ask us. 

In Science we created our own experiments. We were asked to design a product that would effectively absorb liquids. To begin with we got into groups and designed an experiment that would help us reach an answer. 

After successfully planning our experiments, including a method, fair testing and a prediction, we started to gather our results. 

We are now discussing our results and identifying which materials were the best.We are also discussing ways in which we could make our results more accurate. 

Stay tuned to find out what product we would recommend.