Welcome to the wonderful world of 3P. On this blog we will share our learning with you. Please delve in and unlock the magic hidden within the pages.

While visiting, we hope you will also take the time to leave a comment on one of our pages.

We hope you enjoy looking around and we look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Super Stars

Friday 27th February 2015

Class assembly done! We enjoyed every minute of it and we hope you did too. 

After assembly, we had a very busy morning! We were once again practising our mixing skills; creating tints, tones and shades. This time we create a silhouette picture. Head over to our pages to see the final results. 


After working hard all morning we then had some fun this afternoon. FRIDAY BOOGIE!

We are definitely the dancers of the future! 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

We're Going On A Bear Hunt

Wednesday 25th February 2015 

We are back again! Another holidays finished and another half term ahead of us!

We are already working hard in 3P and we are enjoying every minute of the new half term.

On Monday we went from 21 children to 22! 

Welcome to 3P Yuna! We hope you enjoy your time at BST.

This week we have been practicing for our class assembly, which takes place this Friday and are very excited about sharing our learning with everyone! 

In addition to this we have started a REALLY FUN topic in Literacy. We are now looking at performance poetry. 

Today we focused on what makes a successful performance. We watched Michael Rosen and Craig Bradley perform their own poems and we created a success criteria for performance poetry.  
We then used the list we had generated in our own performances! (including Miss Gorst and Mrs Tateno!).

Check out the video below and see if you can identify what makes a GREAT performance! 

Poem written by Michael Rosen. Copyright: Michael Rosen

Furthermore, we have been looking at measure in Numeracy. This week we are looking at the units cm, mm, m and km. 
Do you know what they stand for? 
cm = centimetres
mm = millimetres
m = metres
km= kilometres. 

Today we practised accurately measuring different lengths/ heights with these units. Before measuring the objects we had to estimate ( a sensible guess). 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Where in the world would you like to go?

Monday 9th February 2015 

For our home learning this week we have been asked to research a country. We were allowed to choose which one we would like to research. We were then set a challenge of delivering the information we had researched in a fun and exciting way. We have had lots of great ideas so far. 

Here are a few of examples:  

Katie tells us all about Peru. 

Maia shows us all she knows about Germany

Check out Enrique's PowerPoint about Pakistan. 

Discover Malaysia thanks to this amazing video by Hao Ping.

What to know all about China? Check out this video by Alfie. 

Oh la la! Check out Jaya's presentation all about France.

Stay tuned for more! 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Quest Myths

Thursday 5th February 2015

This week we have started to write our quest myths. We have been working hard on creating an exciting opener that will engage the reader and make them want to continue reading. 

Here are a couple of examples: 

We have also added some of our art work! What do you think? 

Head over to our pages to see our landscape paintings. 

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Here comes the sun!

Tuesday 3rd February 2015

What a beautiful (but cold) day for track! Look at that blue sky! 

Today we continued to practise our batting, fielding, throwing and catching skills. We also ran the 400m again. We worked hard to improve all our skills and Miss Purewal was extremely proud of us! 

On Monday, we looked at a range of maps.

 Did you know maps have different purposes and are used by different people? 

We sorted the maps and grouped them together using our own criteria. Some maps showed us the names of streets. Others showed us where you could find things if you were visiting an attraction. It was great fun looking at (and smelling) all the different maps. 

Here is the map we were smelling. 
Which boxes are you brave enough to smell

Here are some pictures of us hard at work: