Welcome to the wonderful world of 3P. On this blog we will share our learning with you. Please delve in and unlock the magic hidden within the pages.

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Friday, 27 March 2015

End of Term 2

Friday 27th March 2015 

Where has the time gone? Term 2 complete and we are now two thirds of the way through the school year. I think we have been leaning on the fast forward button as this term has flown by. We have learnt a lot and we have enjoyed every minute of it. 

In today's improvement assembly we said a big WELL DONE to Katie for all her hard work

We also congratulated Savanna for great work in Japanese, Liam for great work in P.E. and Richard for super music work. 

Well done to you all! 

This week we also finished creating our Teeth Information Posters. 
Head over to our pages to see the final results.

Finally we finished our DT work. Our challenge was to create an Easter box. We had a range of success criteria to follow and we had to cut, score, glue and colour very carefully. Once again head over to our pages to see our final results. 

All that we have left to say now is HAVE A FANTASTIC EASTER HOLIDAY. Remember the two Rs. READ and RELAX. 

See you all in 2 weeks! 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Sun, Track and Creativity.

Tuesday 24th March 2015 

What a beautiful day! Another perfect day for track. While at track we have been practising our running, dodging and pace skills. We played a range of great games and once again tested our stamina by running the 400m.(Well done Mr Willis for running 1600m)

Last week we started our new DT (Design Technology) unit. We were set a challenge. We needed to create an Easter box. We started by looking at boxes and how they are designed. We then start experimenting with different lids for our own designs. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages before we chose our final design. This week we have started to create our final design. 

Stay tuned to see our final designs.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Magnificent Measures

Thursday 5th March 2015

This week we have been learning all about weight and capacity/volume. We have looked at how we measure , the units we would use and we have been practising our scale reading skills. 

It has been great fun all week and we have learnt a lot as well. Just ask us and we will be able to tell you all about ml, kg and much much more

As well as this, we have continued to look at performance poetry in Literacy. This week we wrote our own 'Rhyme it Rhyme it' poems. We then had X FACTOR auditions to see which member of the class would go through to the finals. 

Well done to our winner Taro! 

Here are a few other examples: