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Friday, 17 October 2014

Class Assembly Number 1

Friday 17th October 2014

WOW! Today has been an extremely busy day. It is a good job we have a week off to relax.

This morning we performed our class assembly to the whole school. We were all nervous but it went fantastically.

'I am very proud of you 3P' - Miss Gorst

After an amazing assembly we came back to class and finished our shape poems.

They look fantastic. Head over to our pages to see the finished product.

Finally this afternoon, we created our final piece of art work. We applied all the skills we have learnt to create our masterpieces. Keep your eyes open as these pictures will soon appear on our pages.  
Have a lovely half term everyone and remember to READ and RELAX!!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Wednesday 15th October 2014

Today we had lots of fun while we were reviewing counting backwards and forwards in 10s.

Our challenge today required people to count down from a number in the 160s to 0.

Lots of children competed and there were many FANTASTIC times. Children were confidently and correctly counting down in less than 20 seconds. It was so exciting to watch.

However, we did have two champions of the day.

Hao Ping managed to count down in 10s in 9.5 seconds and Vivienne managed it in 10 seconds.

Could you beat these times? 

We are already excited about our challenge tomorrow. I wonder if we will be able to count down or up in less than 9.5 seconds?

Today we also started to create our shape poems. We were inspired by poems we had read and we cannot wait to share the finished results with you. 

We also had fun this morning building 3D shapes.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Friday Free For All

Friday 10th October 2014

Where has the week gone? Four days are just not enough.
We have so much fun in school that every week flies by so quickly. Only ONE more week until half term.

Today in Year 3 we got to spend some time with the different year 3 teachers doing art activities. Some of us did wet chalk paintings, others made photo frames and some even edited pictures using ICT. We also noticed some funny looking, yellow creatures wondering around school this morning. I wonder what they were?

In Literacy we have finally finished writing our poems and next we are going to start turning them into shape poems. 

This week we have also had lots of children bringing in information books that will help us with our learning. We have looked at books about Egypt, books about animals and books about the Romans.
Thank you to the children who have brought these books in.

Finally, today we received our assembly lines. Only ONE WEEK until 3P's Class Assembly!
We are nervous but very excited to share our learning with everyone else in Shibuya.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Wednesday 8th October 2014

Wow! What a busy day it has been in 3P!

This morning we started to turn our word banks into poetry. We used verbs, adverbs and adjectives together to create a descriptive poem about our chosen animal.
Check out our pages to see what we have created so far.


This afternoon Edoardo treated us. We got to look at some Egyptian artwork on papyrus paper.

What can you see?

Also as well as this, we got to carry out our investigation. We wanted to know,  'Which rock is the most durable?'  After discussing our method and identifying the equipment we would need, we then worked in groups to collect the results.

Stay tuned to find out what we discovered.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Perfect Poetry Planning

Friday 4th October 2014

This week in 3P we finished our Anthony Browne unit and moved onto Poetry. We began this unit by looking at a range of poems. We talked about how poetry and stories are different and identified the main features of poetry.

Did you know that poetry is written in verses and not paragraphs?

We have now begun to plan our own animal poems.

Here is just a sneak peak at a couple of the animals we have chosen.

Mammoth (picture taken from The Guardian)

chameleon (onebigphoto.com)

We have also been developing our art skills in 3P this week.
We have been learning how to make our still life pictures look 3D. We have focused on using curved lines and have started to make sure our objects are in proportion.

We worked hard while completing our observational drawings and we can not wait to implement these new skills into our final sketches.