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Friday, 10 October 2014

Friday Free For All

Friday 10th October 2014

Where has the week gone? Four days are just not enough.
We have so much fun in school that every week flies by so quickly. Only ONE more week until half term.

Today in Year 3 we got to spend some time with the different year 3 teachers doing art activities. Some of us did wet chalk paintings, others made photo frames and some even edited pictures using ICT. We also noticed some funny looking, yellow creatures wondering around school this morning. I wonder what they were?

In Literacy we have finally finished writing our poems and next we are going to start turning them into shape poems. 

This week we have also had lots of children bringing in information books that will help us with our learning. We have looked at books about Egypt, books about animals and books about the Romans.
Thank you to the children who have brought these books in.

Finally, today we received our assembly lines. Only ONE WEEK until 3P's Class Assembly!
We are nervous but very excited to share our learning with everyone else in Shibuya.


  1. I can't wait to see your assembly 3P. I'm sure it's going to be amazing!

    1. Thank you Mrs Smart. We appreciate your comment.
